Hej och välkommen!

Hej, jag heter Lovisa. Min dröm är att bli författare och flytta till den underbara staden london i det underbara landet storbrittanien. Denna blogg kommer fyllas med noveller/krönikor osv skrivna av mig. ifall jag heter något fint kommer jag kanske citera, men skriver det givetvis då.

Bloggen får börja med ett fint citat, tycker jag ;)

"But he understood att last what Dumbledore had been trying to tell him. It was , he thought, the diffrence between being dragged into the area to face a battle to the death and walking into the area with your head held high. Some people,  perhaps, would say that there was little to choose between the two ways, but Dumbledore knew - and so do i, thought Harry, with a rush of fience pride, and so did my parents- that there was all the diffrence in the world."

Ur Harry Potter and the half blood prince- J.K Rowling.

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